Serious opponents await Wirtmann at the Velenje Rally

After three missed races and several modifications, this weekend's season of the Mitropa Cup can finally begin with the Velenje Rally in Slovenia. Ferenc Wirtmann and Joti Kerekes already planned the Mitropa Cup last year - in which Wirtmann started with Zsiguli in the 1980s - but then the restrictions due to the COVID situation prevented this. Even now, a serious protocol must be fulfilled, but the team supported by Grawe Életbiztosító Zrt. can be at the race, and even with a special permit, they will be supplemented by an important team member who was missing from the Ózd–Eger Rally. 

"Last year, we really prepared for the Mitropa Cup, but COVID overturned our calculations" – mondta Wirtmann. – „Idén azonban újra megpróbáljuk. A Velenje Rallyn nyolc éve indultunk, úgyhogy ismerős lesz. A szlovén pályák sokkal technikásabbak, mint a magyarok, egyenes szakasz nem nagyon van rajtuk.

The schedule is very competitor-friendly, you can pick up the itinerary on Friday, you can train on the two tracks that day, and six speed races are held on Saturday. The total distance is 113 km, of which 77 are high-speed.

Nagyon komoly COVID protokoll van. Mindenkit tesztelnek, egy csapathoz csak négy szerelő tartozhat. Mi öten vagyunk, ezért kértünk külön engedélyt a szakácsunkra, Bodony Bélára, amit meg is kaptunk, így ott lehet velünk a versenyen. Az Ózd–Eger Rallyra nem tudott eljönni velünk, és nagyon éreztük a hiányát, de most ilyen problémánk nem lesz.

The field promises to be good, there will be four Escorts with us, but there are also Sierra, Opel Ascona, Lancia Delta and a Fiat 131 Abarth thanks to Balogh Sanyi. I expect a good strong competition.

The next race of the Mitropa Cup will be the Mecsek Rally, after which we will see how we stand and decide on the continuation."


2021. április 11. Orfű Rally, Historic abszolút victory, D csoport victory

2021. május 15–16. Ózd–Eger Rally, Historic abszolút victory, D csoport victory


2008. Group C Hungarian champion

2009. Group C Hungarian champion

2010. Group C Hungarian champion

2011. Group C Hungarian champion

2012. Group C Hungarian champion, Historic CEZ champion

2013. Historic CEZ champion

2014. Group D Hungarian champion, Historic European Championship C group 4.

2015. Group C Hungarian champion, Historic CEZ champion, Historic EC Group D 2nd.

2016. Group D Hungarian champion, Historic CEZ champion

2017. Group D Hungarian champion, Historic absolute Hungarian champion

2018. Historic absolute Hungarian champion, Historic Eb D group 2.

2019. Group D Hungarian champion, Historic CEZ Group D 2.

2020. Historic absolute Hungarian champion, group D Hungarian champion
